3 years of back pain. Some days you can barely move, some days it would feel better if someone stabbed you because that would be less painful. Thought about crashing a car to go to the hospital to get some medicine to make the pain go away.
X-rays in 2007 and 2010
Spine Specialist in 2008
Physical Therapy
I am tired of living with pain. I am tired of having to leave work because I can't move my body. I am tired of canceling plans because I can't function because of the pain. I am tired of sitting in the fetal position for hours to make the pain 5% less. I hate not being able to sit through a movie for 2 hours because I have to switch which butt cheek I am sitting on because the pain is shotting up my back. I hate living every single day with the thought that something is wrong with my back at age 27 and it's never going to get better...
The doctor won't give me pain medicine because he things I will become addicted or something.
Now I have to go BACK to the Spine Specialist, even though my X-rays taken today look absolutely normal. What is the point of going to the Spine Specialist if my back is fine? I don't know. They keep going in circles on the diagnosis. They have absolutely no idea why I am in pain. Now I don't even know if they believe me in my conquest to find what is wrong with me. If in fact, it's not all in my head... Whatever....
I just want some solace in knowing what is wrong and how to fix it. Otherwise, I am going to go CRAZY.
Could it be fibramilga ( not sure I spelled it right). I have had back problems for the last 8-9 years. 2 yrs ago I had a disc replacement done in Santa Monica then in December 2010 I had my neck fused. I'm on a medication called lyrica it's used for fibramilga what it is - it's a nerve pain medicine It is possible your facet nerves are bad. They are tiny little nerves and a pain in the ass. I just went in yesterday and had them burnt off for the second time but my pain was souvh less. Have they offered to give you shots in your back?