Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hard work pays off!

It’s the week of finals, and some may say that it’s normally really stressful and full of ups and downs. Well it has been that plus more. It’s been a really great week and it’s only Thursday!

Tuesday was the Spanish final and, to say the least, learning a foreign language is NOT my strong suit. Let’s just leave it as me passing the class. I am happy to have done that and still be able to use it towards my degree. I often think I need to move back to Arizona in order to surround myself in the language. That would sure help.

Then the Research Psychology final on Wednesday, scared to death, I have to get an A in this class! It can’t be that bad, can it? An hour and a half of fill in the blank, describe, and try to read the teachers mind. He offered to grade our tests after completing the 6 page test so I decide to stay after, as most students do. I am the second to last one done so I decide to stay and we discuss answers and I was able to debate a few of my answers and why I thought that way. On the last part of the test after he grades it he says, you are the first one to get this one right. Awesome! Discussing the test helps and I get an 81% on the test. Eh, not a good score in my eyes, but he said I was the second highest score so far, so I am happy! Later that afternoon, he told us the average for the final was 71%. Eek! Not sure how to express my feelings on this one, but I don’t think it’s good when most students barely pass. I often think it’s a reflection of the teacher, but I learned in this class that it’s the material. It’s confusing and complex and needs further discussion in order to understand. Anyway…We also learn that the class average is 81%, so he grades on a curve and bumps our grades up and mine shoots to a 94%. Shit, I’ll take that! I’ve never worked my ass off so hard for a class and it paid off, finally. AND, I really enjoyed the material too. It’s great to finally get to upper level courses that are actually interesting versus mandatory.

Today (Thursday) rolls around and it’s the math final. A few of us decide to meet at Denny’s to work on the test together at 10am, as the test is being posted at 8am. 8am comes and goes and no final is posted. 9am nothing. After calls and emails to the professor, nothing! Start freaking out! I text a few other students, and they don’t have it either. We decide to meet at Denny’s and wait for the test. Over an hour later, and nothing, finally at around 11:30 she posts it so we all complete it and get 100%. Well this finals week is the best finals week ever and I’ve taking part of a lot of finals weeks.

I reach out to my Psych professor to thank him for allowing me to take the class without the math prerequisite, and tell him the number of credits I am taking for my self-study in the Fall quarter. He reply’s back with a few good details about the self-study and then reports that I did well this quarter, and said “Your effort and the quality of your work was exceptional-- at the top of the class.”

Now, I am NOT one to brag, I actually HATE drawing attention to myself, but I had to write about it because it made me feel accomplished. I have not felt this good since I got good feedback from my old job at DDI. It’s really good to feel intelligent when you try your hardest! Hard work does pay off! Hopefully, I can get a professor recommendation letter for my application to UW. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

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