I submitted my personal statement and application to both University of Washington and Western Washington University. After a few weeks of debate I realized that WWU would be the better choice for me. I knew I would fit in there better with a few thousand students versus 41,000! Psychology is at my core, yet either school would help me earn a great education. Also at the heart was that I would be able to move out and live independently with other College students, and that is looking perfect right now.
After about a week I started checking the mail every day for a letter or package. Nothing… day after day. I knew it had only been about 2 weeks since I submitted my paperwork to WWU and 1 month and 2 weeks since I submitted to UW, but I had to know. It was driving me mad! One day I received it. It was a big envelope so I knew it had to be good…or was it? YES! I got accepted to Western Washington University! I ran down the steep driveway and held out the letter in front of my mom’s face and she gave me a big hug. Yeah!!! A new path is life has been opened to me. I can’t wait to get started.
These are beautiful pictures.